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FINNIPS Exams cancelled in China, South Korea and Hanoi in Vietnam

Posted on 2020-03-20 16:06:02 EET.

The Finnish Network for International Programmes (FINNIPS) arranged entrance examinations for 10 Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences’ English-taught degree programmes in 10 countries around the world between 10 and 15 March. The examinations will be checked in the network’s UASs and the results of student selection based on these exams will be announced from 21 April onwards (and by 5 June 2020, at the latest).


Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and its effects, the entrance examinations had to be cancelled in China, South Korea and Hanoi in Vietnam. The applicants who had chosen China or South Korea as their exam location or pre-registered for the exam in Hanoi, have been contacted by the UASs that invited them to the exams. Further information about possible alternative selection methods offered to applicants in these countries/cities will be provided by the network’s UASs on 27 March, at the earliest.
Please note that due to these special circumstances, changes e.g. regarding the schedules may occur. We will keep you updated according to our best ability.