Current News

Health care services are part of the student's wellbeing

Doctor Tytti Ilkka and psychologist Jessica SödergÃ¥rd started their work among VAMK's students this autumn. An appointment both with the Doctor and the Psychologist  is made via the nurse at her reception.

Our  students health care is a part of the social and healthcare services of the City of Vaasa. Nurses Gunvi Hietamäki, Hanna-Mari Joutsen and Heli Peltomäki, together with  Doctor Tytti Ilkka and Psychologist Jessica SödergÃ¥rd are responsible for our students' health care services. More information:

Psychologist Jessica SödergÃ¥rd, Doctor Tytti Ilkka and the Nurses Heli Peltomäki, Gunvi Hietamäki and Hanna-Mari Joutsen.

Supporting the students' wellbeing is collaboration, and the Student Counsellors and Group Tutors are part of the network. The students' wellbeing is promoted and developed by VAMK's Wellbeing Team.