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Robot Soccer Project Workshop 3rd to 6th November 2008

A RoboCup workshop will be help in Vaasa University of Applied Sciences 03-06.11.2008. The workshop will cover the key issues in the design and implementation of the RoboCup Botnia Robotsoccer system. Focus will be on the impact of the Robotsoccer system in education and research and on the transferability of the knowhow. Program (word).

RoboCup is an international project to promote applied research and education. It integrates a wide range of technologies such as software, telecommunication, electronics as well as mechanics and many more. RoboCup chose to use soccer game as a central topic of research, aiming at innovations to be applied for socially significant problems and industries.

RoboCup project suits very well the education objectives of the information technology program of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. The information Technology department of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences initiated the Robotsoccer project in 2002 and succeeded to create the first generation Robotsoccer Botnia team in 2005. The Botnia Robotsoccer team has participated in many international competitions and achieved good results.

More information:

Principal Lecturer Smail Menani,