
Application for degree programmes in English begins in January

Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences (VAMK) offers three degree programmes in English during the application period of 14th January - 15th February 2008:

- Information Technology, Bachelor of Engineering, 240 ects
Specialised know-how in embedded systems, software engineering and telecommunication engineering. Project learning in robotics and robosoccer.

- International Business, Bachelor of Business Administration, 210 ects
Specialisation in International Marketing and Foreign Trade or Asian Business. Both including a three-month stay abroad.

- Tourism, Bachelor of Hospitality Management, 210 ects
Extensive knowledge from the field with possibility to study Asian hospitality in Thailand.

Online application at www.admissions.fi

Those who have completed or are completing Finnish Matriculations examination, IB-, RP-examinations, vocational qualification of three years or non-Finnish qualification.

50 % of the applicants will be admitted on the basis of the combined points for previous school performance and the entrance examination (applicants with Finnish Matriculation Examination and IB-examination). Points in this admission group are 30 points from the school performance and 70 points from the entrance examination = 100 points.

50 % of the applicants will be admitted on the basis of the entrance examination (applicants with non-Finnish certificates and Finnish applicants with vocational education). Points in this admission group are max.100 points from the entrance examination.

Studies begin in autumn, 2008.

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