
Current News about the Merger of the Libraries and Library Catalogues

A joint library for all institutions of higher education in Vaasa will be implemented on 1 January, 2010. However, the merger will cause changes and breaks in the library services already in November. Changes during weeks 46-48:
Wolffintie Library Closes Down

The Wolffintie library unit will close down today on 12 November. Books borrowed at Wolffintie can be returned there during week 47. Starting from Monday 23 November, please return all your loans to Tritonia.
Raastuvankatu Library Closed Tue-Fri 17-20 November

The Raastuvankatu library unit is closed Tue-Fri 17-20 November because of the merger of the library catalogues and the relocation of the Wolffintie library unit to Tritonia. Normal opening hours will resume on Monday 23 November. The Raastuvankatu Library will remain in its present location even after the merger.
From EWA to TRIA

The VAMK library online catalogue EWA will be merged with Tritonia's TRIA database. EWA will close down on Monday 16 November. There will be a service break in all online catalogues of university libraries in Vaasa 17-22 November. During the break it is not possible to renew loans or search the database. There will be no due dates for borrowed items during the break. A new, joint library catalogue TRIA will be opened on Monday 23 November. From this day on, Tritonia's loan periods and delay charges will take effect (see http://www.tritonia.fi/en/palvelut/lainaus.php).
The merger of the library catalogues will also include merger of customer registries, i.e. customers' personal information and loans will be transferred to the new TRIA database. NB! Information about reservations will not, however, be transferred. For this reason, if you have made reservations to books, please inform the library about them again after 23 November.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the service breaks. For more information about the merger of the libraries, please visit the library website or contact the library staff.