
Seminars on Open Source October 5-6, 2006

Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences, is hosting two highly topical seminars October 5-6, 2006.

October 5: Kick-off seminar for the VoIP projects EUX2010 and OCEA.
World premiere for Open Source network conference. European lecturers are attending the seminar (from EKIGA among others).

October 6: What happens in Europe in the field of Open Source?
The latest news from the field of Open Source. Organisation of different line of businesses is presented. European lecturers are attending the seminar.

Please read through the programme:

- Seminar Day October 5, 2006 (PDF)
- Seminar Day October 6, 2006 (PDF)

The lectures are held in English.
