
Student Union News

Merinova's From Idea to Business -competition

Merinova's from idea to business - competitions deadline has been extended! Answers / ideas can be returned to VAMOKs office or dutys. New deadline is until 15.3. For more information go to www.merinova.fi/ajankohtaista.

VAMOK-TUKI ry is for supporting VAMOK ry's student activity. The supported student activity includes general student advantages, sports activity, leisure activities and culture- and party-activities. The most concrete way to get familiar with the VAMOK-TUKI ry's activity is to visit the book / coffee shops in the school facilities, and by taking copies with inexpensive prizes (for members).

VAMOK's sauna

VAMOK has sauna close to the Vaasa city centrum in Vöyrinkaupunki, Vöyrinkatu 8.
The sauna can be rented with prize 34 for our members and 68 for non-members.
Reservation calendar is located at VAMOK's office in Palosaari.

(Edited 2014-02-07: VAMOK gave up the sauna premises in 2012.)


Come and Challenge your friend:
Mardi Gras party on 11 February in the nightclub Radisson SAS NIGHT.
The party is hosted by Ellen Jokikunnas and Heikki Paaso (from the Idols tv-show).
Tickets 4 on advantage and 5 from the door. The amount of tickets is limited. (Advantage ticket = overall mark.)
More information about the party mail to projekti@vamok.fi.