
Student Union News, April 13

Answer to the questioning of educationalpolitic things

Go to the address http://www.vamok.fi/KoPoKysely/index.php?&language=en and answer to the educational politic-questioning. By answering you can together with us develop the quality of the educations and make things better. Answer and develop!

Sportstours at easter

The sport tours are cancelled during the Easter, from 14th to 17th April. At Tuesday sports tours will continue normally. Sport timetable you find at the address: http://www.vamok.fi/jasenpalvelut/index.php?page=Liikuntavuorot&language=en

Easter at the bloodservice

Welcome to Vaasa Bloodservice! (Alatori 1 A) to donate blood. We are open on Mon, Tue, Thu 12-18 and Wed, Friday 10-15. On Easter we are open Saturday 15th April 10-15. Welcome!

Deadline party

VAMOK arranges Wed 19.04 between 22-04 springs final party in Fontana. It is a 3.floor party and in El Gringo the famous karaoke beginning at 22 o'clock. Tickets in advance 3€'s to members, 4€'s to others and from door 5€'s to all. More information at the address: http://www.vamok.fi/toiminta/tapahtumakalenteri.php?language=en