
Student Union News, April 25

VAMOK's office is open up to 27th May 2005. Next time the office is open 1st August 2005.

The sport shifts of this spring have ended.

Thesis casing-in is taken care of in the Palosaari unit (technic and communication) bookstore as follow:

Week 17 8-15:15
Week 18 8-14:00 
Telephone: 06-312 2161

After that the thesis can be left to the info or the office in Palosaari with all the wishes about the covers (how many, hard or paperback). Remember to leave your thelephone number.

More info: 040 504 2288/Vamok-Tuki ry.

Answer the questionnaire on the use of electronic material 18.4.-1.5.2005

FinELib, the National Electronic Library, acquires Finnish and international electronic journals, databases and other online services for Finnish universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes and public libraries. The electronic material that is available in the VAMK library has mostly been acquired through FinELib.

The purpose of the user questionnaire is to find out what type of material students, teachers and researchers need. In addition, the questionnaire aims at gathering feedback on the material that already is available and ideas on how the service could be improved.

The questionnaire is at the following address:

Thank You!

The blood service needs donors

Red-cell stocks are currently below target level for blood groups A+, A-, O- and B-. Vaasa Donor Centre hopes that donors could be found at VAMK to help top up the blood reserves.

Up-to-date information on the stocks of red blood cells can be found on the Blood Service's revamped website at www.veripalvelu.fi. The bar chart on the front page indicates in which blood groups there is a particular need for donors.

You can donate blood if you are healthy, 18 to 65 years of age and weigh at least 50 kg. First-time donors should be under 60 years of age. When you come to donate, please remember to bring your official photo identity card or personal donor card.

Further information:
Arja Fant, Nurse
Vaasa Donor Centre
Alatori 1 A, 5th floor
Tel: +358 6 317 1642
www.bloodservice.fi and www.veripalvelu.fi

Opening hours:
Mon, Tue and Thu 12:00—18:00
Wed and Fri 10:00—15:00

VAMOK wishes all the students nice summer!