- For all companies and other organizations.
Electrical measurement and product development services
We offer electrical measurement and product development services and solutions for testing electrical network devices and temperature measurements.
To whom:
Final result:
- Reliable measurement results and a comprehensive measurement report.
Heating tests of electrical network devices with alternating and direct current
- AC max. current: 5000 A
- DC max. current: 2500 A
- Typical test subjects include substations, switchgear, and busbar systems.
The measurement devices are suitable for various temperature measurements and heating tests. Typical test subjects include substations, switchgear, and busbar systems.
- Thermal imaging in the temperature range of -40 ºC to 1500 ºC. Thermal imaging is suitable for, among other things, electrical maintenance.
- Thermocouple measurements are supported by a 48-channel data acquisition system.
- The research equipment is also suitable for field measurements.
The test bench allows for loading the electric motor with a program-defined counter torque:
- 5.5 kW, constant torque 0-1500 r/min
- Constant power 1500-3000 r/min
- 15 kW, constant torque 0-1500 r/min
- Constant power 1500-3000 r/min
In the high voltage laboratory, voltage tests on electrical network devices can be performed with power-frequency alternating voltage and surge voltage:
- Alternating voltage < 200 kV
- Surge voltage ± 400 kV
- Typical test subjects include medium voltage insulation materials, switchgear, and busbar systems.
Markku Suistala
Laboratory engineer, technology
+358 207 663 508
Seppo Mäkinen
Principal Lecturer: Technology
+358 207 663 388