Energiaa - Online Newspaper

Energiaa online newspaper

Vaasa University of Applied Sciences online newspaper

change 24.6.2024

First of all, I must provide a disclaimer on the topic. I am rather young (I hope), innovative minded and usually an early adaptor who has worked with changes through my entire career. So change is natural to me. And I tend to react with enthusiasm when something new is presented to me. And before reading the text, I want to give you a task. When reading through it, stop every now and them and see…

change management (leadership)leadership (activity)organisational changesorganisations (systems)
Competence 13.6.2024

There is a growing interest among researchers and practitioners about the drivers of workplace innovation (e.g. De Jong and Hartog, 2010). Employee innovation drives organization innovation. Employee innovation is defined as self-directed behaviour to generate and implement new ideas to benefit the individual or organization (Bos-Nehles et al. 2017). The extant literature suggests that leadership…

creativityinnovationsleadership (activity)project leadershipwork satisfaction
Competence 12.6.2024
Introduction The estimation of annual wind energy production is a critical component in determining the project finance of wind turbines....
cooperation (general) 29.5.2024
The collaboration between industries, companies and universities across borders has opened plenty of new learning opportunities for students and teachers...
crisis management 21.5.2024
In today’s fast-paced digital environment, efficient incident management is crucial for maintaining seamless IT operations. CitizenM, a hotel chain company...
applications (computer programmes) 21.5.2024
As the software technology landscape continues to evolve, the need to modernise legacy systems becomes increasingly important. “Legacy” generally refers...