Development based on the needs of working life
In our projects, we promote skills and know-how and development based on the needs of working life. Through our projects, we want to have an impact on society and challenge companies and organisations to develop and therefore strengthen the vitality of the region.
VAMK’s project activities
We have a long tradition in project activities and partnerships. Our projects are closely linked to the region’s economy and our strengths, which are:
- Intelligent energy-efficient electrical engineering and robotic automation
- Business know-how and logistics in the export industry
- Socially sustainable, ethical and innovative social and health services
- Design of market-oriented and sustainable product and service systems, industrial and social services
Project activities are strongly linked to teaching activities, further developing them to be more workplace-oriented and in line with the needs of working life. The projects involve students, teachers, businesses and working life in the region. More and more of our projects are also international, due to our location in the centre of global companies, in the entrepreneurial Ostrobothnia.
Find out more about our project activities:
Sirpa Loukiainen-Nygård
Senior RDI Specialist
RDI Services/PMO
+358 207 663 622
Director, RDI and Service Business
+358 207 663 500
Presenting the projects
Carbon neutral, fair and sustainable energy communities in South Ostobothnia
Duration of the project:
1.6.2024 - 31.5.2026
Development Project for Competence Models of Nurses’ Qualification
Duration of the project:
1.1.2024 - 31.12.2025
Competence Services for Nurses Qualifying to Practice
Duration of the project:
1.1.2024 - 31.12.2025
Strengthening Design Competence for Sustainable Energy Solutions in Single-Family Homes
Duration of the project:
1.8.2024 - 31.3.2025