Vaasa University of Applied Sciences’ pedagogical policies:

With us, you develop into an expert in the changing working life!

At Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, we are implementing a new creative work life pedagogy. Our teaching and learning is based on our co-designed pedagogical guidelines.

Teaching, learning materials, and learning environments are inherently open and accessible.

We support students’ individual career paths and promote the development of professional growth.

We boldly implement new creative and innovative pedagogy.

Our students develop their digital skills to meet the challenges of the changing working life.

We build and develop our pedagogical expertise and leadership to enable student success.

As a community, we enable shared experiences and collaborative learning between students and staff.

As our student, you are part of work life networks and partnerships.


Our creative work life pedagogy at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences (VAMK) is competence-based. It is natural and open dialogue with our students, and working life, in particular, in the Ostrobothnia region. At the same time, it involves the development of our shared pedagogical expertise as part of this dialogue.

We are a strong and proactive regional, national and global partner in the field of support and development of teaching and learning. We advance the quality and reputation of Vaasa and Finland in higher education pedagogy, expertise in teaching, and pedagogical well-being. We are an attractive and well-known learning community, with which others want to engage and cooperate.

We are responding to the changing needs of working life by developing our physical and digital campus in a learner-centered way. The structures and roles for supporting teaching and learning support continuous learning; a culture of experimentation; a variety of pedagogical approaches; an investigative, creative and collaborative approach to teaching; and sharing of our practices.

The continuous evolution of working life is reflected in our everyday activities in many ways.

  1. We develop working life and its practices,
  2. and create new expertise and talent for its changing needs,
  3. and develop and learn as an educational organisation and a pedagogical community.

To us, creative work life pedagogy means both meaningful and collaborative learning. It is an investigative and reflective approach towards building expertise, learning, teaching and instruction. Both teaching and learning require time for thinking, reflecting and making discoveries together.

Our creative work life pedagogy takes into account the well-being of students and teachers. The promotion of community spirit, academic and working life competences and active agency are all part of the experience that our students engage with when they come to us. We provide our staff members with a learning community that is developing and open. Our everyday teaching activities have a strong foundation. We share our pedagogical insights, learn collaboratively and inspire each other.

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From guidelines to every-day practices

The function of a university of applied sciences is based on pedagogy. VAMK’s pedagogical vision and guidelines were born as part of our community’s pedagogical journey during 2022, our thematic year of pedagogical development.

Over the course of that year, we regularly stopped to reflect and verbalise our thoughts on teaching and learning in various workshops and forums. That same year, we also created new peer support and pedagogical leadership roles for VAMK,and gave room for the co-development of teaching and pedagogical management work. The end result was a pedagogical vision, and seven separate policies, which describe our learning community and its operating procedures, and signpost a direction for the future.

This Pedagogical Programme is one of our community’s tools for pedagogical leadership, and the related actions will be followed in the management’s separate Pedaforum group. The Pedagogical Programme and the steps connected to its policies will be promoted through the means of service and learning design. The programme will be regularly updated to correlate with the anticipated development needs, and biannual reports will be submitted to the steering group on the operations.

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1. The teaching, learning materials and learning environments are primarily open and accessible.

Responsibility: Director of Education, Quality and Responsibility Manager, RDI Manager

Opetuksen, oppimateriaalien ja oppimisympäristöjen avoimuus ja saavutettavuus edistävät kaikille yhdenvertaisia mahdollisuuksia jatkuvaan oppimiseen ja oppivaan yhteisöömme kiinnittymiseen. Tuemme opiskelijoitamme riittävien korkeakouluvalmiuksien saavuttamisessa myös jo ennen tutkinto-opintojen alkua.

Avoimuus ja saavutettavuus liittyvät opetuksemme kokonaislaatuun. Opetuksen avoimuus VAMKissa tarkoittaa oppimaan pääsyn ja osallistumisen mahdollisuuksien lisäämistä, opetuksen yhteiskehittämistä, oppijakeskeisyyttä, selkeitä ja linjakkaita osaamistavoitteita ja arviointikriteereitä, läpinäkyviä palautekäytänteitä, sekä mm. omien ja toisten laatimien avoimien aineistojen käyttöä osana opetusta. Tuemme ja kannustamme opettajiamme suunnittelemaan ja julkaisemaan avointa ja saavutettavaa opetusmateriaalia sekä edistämään entistä vahvempaa oppijakeskeisyyttä sekä yhteisopettajuutta omassa työssään.

Steps and actors: 2023

  • The measures outlined in the accessibility plan in connection with teaching and learning are implemented in 2023
    Actors: Support and development for teaching
  • Osaamisperustaisuuspilotit: Bachelor’s and master’s pilot degrees and teacher teams
    Actors: Heads of Education and Teachers  
  • Blended teaching: podcasts and videos in teaching and learning
    Actors: Digipeda team and teachers  
  • Accessibility plan measures related to teaching and learning will be implemented in 2023.
    Actors: Quality manager, digipeda team and teachers  
  • Piloting Introduction to University Studies for international degree students (English)
    Actors: Services for Teaching and Learning  

Steps and actors: 2024

  • The TKIO development work will continue as planned
    Actors: Open science and research team (ATT), Support and development for teaching
  • Competence-based work: other curricula and study units
    Actors: Heads of Education and Teachers
  • Blended teaching: videos and MOOCs in teaching and learning
    Actors: Digipeda team and teachers
  • Creating a clear language path for non-Finnish speakers 
    Actors: Team put together by programme coordinator for languages
  • Expanding the Introduction to University Studies study unit to Finnish-language students
    Actors: Services for Teaching and Learning

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2.We promote our students’ individual career paths and growth towards professional expertise.

Responsibility: Director of Education, Career Services, Study Counsellors and Group Mentors, Student wellbeing team and Management’s Pedaforum

Supporting the growth of professional expertise involves supporting our students’ agency and ensuring that all our teaching and guidance is student-centered and competence-based. Our students receive personal guidance with their studies and career paths. Previously acquired skills are identified and recognised as part of a student’s individual learning and career paths. As a teacher you are also a guide and mentor.

Promoting our students’ agency and growth into professionals involves ensuring that they gain up-to-date knowledge of the relevant subject matter. In addition, all higher education degrees include a variety of general skills and competences. The general competence areas compiled by Arene (see Arene’s shared general competence areas included in the bachelor’s and master’s degrees) provide a solid framework for our curricula. The Finnish National Agency for Education (2019) has created a list of future skills, which include interaction and communication skills; problem-solving; creativity; learning abilities; multi-culturalism; abilities for holistic thinking; and skills in self-governance, ethics, and information management and analysis, among other things. Furthermore, our student’s emotional experiences regarding their own skills, and their ability to influence and enhance their skills throughout their career are part of the agency that we at VAMK aim to strengthen. The development of these competences is integrated in all our curricula in the form of learning outcomes.

Steps and actors: 2023

  • Updating the AHOT process and the development plan
    Actors: Study counsellors
  • Development areas for guidance:
    ·Group mentoring,study counsellors and group mentors, Internship mentoring, teachers responsible for internships, Thesis mentoring, thesis working group, thesis mentors For example, implementation of Peppi’s agreement section as mentoring support
    Actors: Study counsellors , Group mentors , Teachers responsible for internships, Peppi team, Thesis mentors andSupport for teaching 
  • Updating the orientation process
    Actors: Career services, Student wellbeing, Heads of Education and Teachers 
  • Promoting Arene’s shared general competence areas in curriculum work 
    Actors: Heads of Education, Programme coordinators and Teacher teams
  • Promoting student and teacher mobility as part of the growth towards expertise: communications plans and briefings
    Actors: Internationalisation services, Talent coach, Heads of Education and Teachers  
  • Mentoring plan for continuous learning
    Actors: Continuous learning team and Heads of Education

Steps and actors: 2024

  • Skills demonstrations and accreditation as development areas
    Actors: Study counsellors  
  • Development areas for guidance:
    · Group mentoring: study counsellors and group mentors, 
    · Internship mentoring: teachers responsible for internships
    · Thesis mentoring:  thesis working group, thesis mentors s
    · Enhancing mentoring skills
    Actors: Study counsellors , Group mentors , Teachers responsible for internships, Peppi team, Thesis mentors and Support for teaching 
  • Promoting Arene’s shared general competence areas in curriculum work 
    Actors: Heads of Education, Programme coordinators and Teacher teams

  • Promoting internationalisation at home: e.g. enhancing the role of university networks in teaching and learning, multilingual study units, friendship activities
    Actors: Continuous learning team and Heads of Education

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3.We will boldly implement our creative and innovative pedagogics.

Responsibility: Education director, management’s Pedaforum, HR services

Our teaching will be closely connected to our research, development and innovation operations, in terms of teaching content, pedagogical approaches and collaboration with working life figures. We will not hesitate to adopt new teaching methods, technological solutions and learning environments.

We will provide our students with a learning environment where they are offered opportunities to develop and experiment with their own ideas in practice, be creative and acquire new information. It will be safe to leave their comfort zone when studying. Diverse forms of feedback that provides guidance and support with self-reflection during our study units will aid learners and help them achieve their competence objectives.

We will encourage and support our teachers in bold experimentation and application of new pedagogical methods. Experiments, learning from them and skill sharing are natural parts of a teacher’s pedagogical freedom, as long as they are in line with the shared degree objectives, the curriculum and forms of teaching. We will promote a culture of experimentation, and reward pedagogical innovation and skill sharing

Steps and actors: 2023

  • Building the support and development network for teaching: strengthening the Digipeda team
    Actors: Director of Education, ICT manager and Quality and responsibility manager
  • Enhancing peer support in developing skills and encouraging experimentation: developing a pedagogic mentoring model
    Actors: Support and Development for Teaching, Pedagogical mentors and Programme coordinators   
  • Idea and innovation workshops as support in designing learning
    Actors: Support and Development for Teaching, Team for Continuous Learning and Digipeda team  
  • Developing Teaching related Reward System
    Actors: Management’s Pedaforum and Support and Development for Teaching 

Steps and actors: 2024

  • Building the support and development network for teaching: recruiting an expert in pedagogics
    Actors: Director of Education, ICT manager and Quality and responsibility manager
  • Development areas in pedagogical mentoring
    Actors: Support and Development for Teaching, Pedagogical mentors and Programme coordinators
  • Learning design workshops as support in designing learning
    Actors: Support and Development for Teaching, Team for Continuous Learning and Digipeda team
  • VAMK’s competence badges
    Actors: Support and development for Teaching

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4. Our students develop their digital skills to meet the challenges of changing working life.

Responsibility: Director of Education, ICT manager

Digital skills are partly field-specific, partly more generic abilities that are needed both at work and when learning. With this policy, we want to engage our entire community in supporting our students in developing their digital skills. We adapt new learning environments and technologies, such as learning platforms, services, artificial intelligence and VR technology in our teaching, and expose our teachers and students to these technologies. The ability to learn and apply the tools responsibly is stressed.

We collaborate with working life and other higher education institutes, through which, our teachers and students also encounter new technologies. We support our students as they develop e.g. programming, media production, use of analytics, use of large AI-based language models, and social media within project work and internships. We promote our students’ competences in creating their own digital portfolios and show-casing their competences. We offer studio available to the students and offer internships in media production and digital teaching roles connected to teaching support and development.

Steps and actors: 2023

  • Mapping the use of digital learning and teaching, and digital services
    Actors: Specialist for Digital Services
  • Video services and updating VAMK’s studio facilities
    Actors: Digipeda team, Premises services and IT management
  • Building MOOC related competences
    Actors: Digipeda team, Teachers and IT management  
    Mapping the use of digital learning and teaching, and digital services
    Actors: Specialist for Digital Services
  • Diversity in assessment: EXAM visits and electronic maturity tests
    Actors: Digipeda team, Teachers
  • Diversity in teaching: podcasts in teaching and learning
    Actors: Digipeda team, Teachers

Steps and actors: 2024

  • The development work of our digital landscape continues
    Actors: Digipeda team
  • Constructing hybrid demo facilities and a mini studio demo Student trainees as support in studio work
    Actors: Digipeda team, Premises services and IT management
  • MOOC production
    Actors: Digipeda team, Teachers and IT management
  • Digipeda team, Teachers and IT management.
    Actors: Digipeda team

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5. We build and develop our pedagogical competences and pedagogical leadership to ensure student success.

Responsibility: Director of Education, Quality and Responsibility Manager, HR Services

We develop our pedagogical competences continuously and collaboratively. We also build new structures, roles and processes for developing and leading teaching related work. Via this iterative process we create and maintain a work culture which promotes students’ learning and success, as well as the wellbeing of our entire community.

We strenghten the existing structures (e.g. the Management’s Pedaforum and Peda teams, our monthly development days, annual pedagogical publications, other teaching related seminars and peer mentoring). We build a strong network for supporting and developing teaching, which include the actors supporting and developing digital learning and the development of the learning facilities on-campus. We collaborate with higher education pedagogy institutes to streghten our pedagogical competences. We take part in national and international higher education pedagogy related projects and events, and share the input with our colleagues. We encourage our staff members to publish teaching and learning related work.

Steps and actors: 2023

  • Design as a form of support in development teams’ work: canvas work and a development cycle model
    Actors: Quality manager and Director of Education
  • Programme coordinators’ recruitment and induction (bachelor level)
    Actors: Director of Education, Heads of Education
  • Pedagogical training: competence-basis as a basis for our pedagogical policies
    Actors: HR services and Collaboration with teacher training institutes
  • Structures, facilities and forums for supporting teaching: teaching-free development days, Peda-coffee activities, Peer support activities, Pedagogical publishing and Annual thematic days on teaching and learning
    Actors: Pedagogical mentors, Director of Education, Support and development for Teaching, Digipeda team and Publication committee 
  • Engaging the students in developing teaching: Spark feedback cycle in teaching development, programme coordinators, Updating the curriculum process, Quality manager, Director of Education, Peda-day Programme and pedagogical mentors
    Actors: Director of Education, Quality manager, Heads of Education, Programme coordinators, Teachers and Pedagogical mentors

Steps and actors: 2024

  • Expansion of the programme coordinator activities (master level)
    Actors: Quality manager and Director of Education, koulutusjohtaja
  • Quality criteria in blended teaching
    Actors: Specifically appointed development group, Support and development for Teaching
  • Pedagogical training: blended (digital) pedagogics as a means for interactiva and collaborative learning
    Actors: HR services and Collaboration with teacher training institutes
  • Strenghtening the Network for the support and development of teaching, and the Digipeda team 
    Actors: Director of Education

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6. We facilitate our students’ and staff members’ shared experiences and collaborative learning.

Responsibility: HR services, Event team, Student wellbeing and Career services

We promote our students’ and staff members’ shared expertise and learning together. Open interaction and encounters within the study units and during a variety of events at our physical and digital campus enhance our wellbeing and engagement.

Every encounter is an opportunity for learning. Our study units and degrees put focus also on team building and functioning interaction between peers. Learning together and having shared experiences is also linked to inclusivity and internationality. The diversity within our community is reflected on our campus through bilingual services. In addition, multicultural competences are promoted as part of teaching and learning.

Collaborative learning is an integral part of VAMK’s research, education and innovation (RDI) work, which is closely tied to all our teaching and learning. We promote our students’ participation in phenomenon-based and multi-sector RDI projects, and support them in building working life networks during their studies. The integration of teaching and RDI is realised e.g. the form of thesis topics, project work, learning assignments, expert visits, consultations, simulations, bootcamps and hackathons, to mention a few. We also encourage our students to release co-publications with our staff

Steps and actors: 2023

  • Event collaboration: e.g. a Know Yourself theme week and Career Day activities
    Actors: Student wellbeing, Career services , VAMOK, HR-services, (Higher education institutes locally, nationally, internationally)
  • Integrating RDI and teaching: identifying and sharing good practices and pedagogical solutions
    Actors: Pedagogical mentors, Director of Education, Support and Development for Teaching, Digipeda team, Publication committee
  • On-campus Integration and internationalisation
    Actors: Director of Education, Heads of Education

Steps and actors: 2024

  • Regional event collaboration, e.g. joint career days of higher education institutes in Vaasa
    Actors: Student wellbeing, Career services , VAMOK, HR-services, (Higher education institutes locally, nationally, internationally)
  • Integrating RDI and teaching: developing the operations
    Actors: Pedagogical mentors, Director of Education, Support and Development for Teaching, Digipeda team, Publication committee
  • Developing the Buddy activities to promote on-campus integration and internationalisation
    Actors: Director of Education, Heads of Education

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7. As our student, you are a part of our working life networks and partnerships.

Responsibilty: Director of Education, Heads of Units, Heads of Education and Career services

We train new talents for working life in cooperation with the employers in the area. We connect work life with our students. We promote business development in the area, and access to skilled individuals by integrating and engaging students with working life before graduation. We strengthen and develop international students’ integration with Finnish working culture and their employment in Vaasa.

The networks and partnerships are realised to our students in the content of our study units and our practices: e.g. visits by specialists, alumni activities, simulations, various project assignments, RDI projects, thesis work, internship programmes, events and career services.

Our career services offer support to students with career planning, development of job seeking skills, identifying personal competences and building a professional network. We provide career advice, organise events and workshops, and share information about jobs, internships, working life and employability.

Steps and actors: 2023

  • Mapping the study units’ working life collaboration and working life pedagogics
    Actors: Heads of Education, Programme coordinators, Career services, Teachers and Support and development for Teaching
  • Enhancing and developing alumni cooperation
    Actors: Career services, Teachers, Communications and marketing, RDI team
  • Initiating Career Day activities at VAMK
    Actors: Career services
  • Developing a service model for Career services 
    Actors: Career services
  • Harmonising the entrepreneurial studies and pedagogics, and creating opportunities for building entrepreneurship related competences
    Actors: Heads of Education, Programme coordinators, Career services, Teachers 
  • Promoting digitality in working life collaboration: implementing a shared platform for encounters
    Actors: Career services
  • Improving the internship process related coaching
    Career services, Teachers responsible for internships

Askelia ja toimijoita: 2024

  • Enhancing and diversifying the collaboration with working life within study units and curricula
    Actors: Heads of Education, Programme coordinators, Career services, Teachers and Support and development for Teaching
  • Promoting the integration and employment of international students
    Actors: Career services, Teachers, Communications and marketing, RDI team
  • Regional cooperation between higher education institutes during career and recruitment days
    Actors: Career services


Sanna Eronen

Director, Education

Teaching and Learning Services | Educational Support and Development | +358 207 663 626

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