- Learn the foundations of protecting systems and organizations from digital attacks.
Target Group
- Everyone who is motivated and interested in improving his/her course related skills.
- Prerequisite skills: Basic Operating System (Windows, Linux), networking and security concepts
Learning Objectives
After completion of this course you will be able to
- understand cyber security operations network principles, roles, and responsibilities as well as the related technologies, tools, regulations, and frameworks available
- apply knowledge and skills to monitor, detect, investigate, analyze, and respond to security incidents
- apply for entry-level jobs as Associate Security Analyst and Incident Responder
- take the Cisco Certified CyberOps Certification exam.
The CyberOps Associate v1.0 curriculum provides an introduction to the knowledge and skills needed for a Security Analyst working with a Security Operations Center team. It teaches core security skills needed for monitoring, detecting, investigating, analyzing, and responding to security events, thus protecting systems and organizations from cybersecurity risks, threats, and vulnerabilities.
Teaching mode and methods
E-doing is a design philosophy that applies the principle that people learn best by doing – Interactive activities, Labs, Packet Tracer and Assessments:
- Interactive activities (“drag and drop” or “checkbox” method) are embedded within the chapters as checks for understanding.
- Labs are activities that are designed to be performed on physical equipment.
- In the Networking chapters, you will configure a simple network using Packet Tracer, the Networking Academy network simulation tool.
- Each chapter in this course has an online quiz and an online Chapter Exam. These are scored automatically, showing you the areas where you excel, as well as any areas where you may want to do some additional study or practice.
- There is also an online, end-of-course Final exam and Skills exam.
Study material
Cisco Academy course material: CyberOps Associate
Assessment will be based on assignments, laboratory exercises, final exam and skills exam.
Grading scale:
- Grade 5: The student is able to apply knowledge and skills to succesfully monitor, detect, investigate, analyze and respond to security incidents.
- Grade 3: The student is able to apply knowledge and skills to monitor, detect, investigate, analyze and respond to security incidents.
- Grade 1: The student understands the basics of cybersecurity operations network principles, tools and technologies and has basic skills to monitor, detect and investigate security incidents.
Schedule and Location
Teacher will announce later.
Further information
Tero Ulvinen
Senior Lecturer
School of Business | Business Information Technology
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