- Learn how to create a website.
- A good primer for learning more advanced techniques!
Target Group
- Everyone who needs to create or manage websites and
- wants to understand modern markup languages.
After completion of this course you will be able to
- create and style a website
- have a good foundation to build your continued web related learning on
- know where and how to expand your knowledge in web related matters.
- HTML: The use of elements, tags and attributes
- CSS: The basic syntax, properties and use with HTML
- Creating a website under the guidance of the lecturer
Teaching mode and methods
This is an online course with activities such as lectures delivered and recorded on-campus, small tasks, quizzes, and assignments.
A total of 81h split up evenly on daily and weekly activities.
Study Material
Teacher will announce latessr.
Teacher will announce later.
Schedule and Location
Teacher will announce later.
Further information
Tero Ulvinen
Senior Lecturer
School of Business | Business Information Technology
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