Software Engineering Project


  • Now that you have learned so much, it’s time to try your wings with a complete software project.


  • Everyone who is motivated and interested in improving his/her course related skills
  • Prerequisite skills: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and React -skills


After completion of this course you will be able to

  • apply the knowledge and skills you have adopted during the preceding courses
  • understand the affect of changing customer requirements, and learn to work in a project team with the customer
  • apply a suitable life cycle model for the team’s software project
  • understand the importance of continuous learning in a work place, as in a project the team will often confront new techniques and interfaces.


  • Basic skills: Documentation of a software project and acting as a member of a project team. How to deal with meeting practices of a software project, to use project management tools. Implementation of a software project through team work. Adoption of new technologies that are needed in implementing a software project. Review and inspection practices.
  • Complementary skills: Acting as a project manager. Use of cloud services (IoT Ticket, Amazon, Azure) and different data gathering and front-end solutions (e.g., React).

Opetusmuoto- ja menetelmät

Problem-based learning with a client project.


Teacher will announce later.


Continuous assessment, the grade is based on project iterations results. The documentation, presentation and deployment results are used for validation. The first iteration is graded by teacher, second as peer review by other teams and the last as self reflection by the team members themselves using the given criteria. Assessment via three iterations, which are made for the implementation, the documentation and the presentation of the project.

Grading scale:

  • Grade 5: The student understands most of the discussed topics, she has the ability to apply the topics independently, or she can develop an application with a number of advanced features.
  • Grade 3: The student understands the discussed topics, she has the ability to apply the topics, or she can develop an application with a reasonable amount of features.
  • Grade 1: The student understands the basics of the discussed topics, she has the ability to apply the topics, or she can develop a simple application.

Aikataulu ja paikka

Teacher will announce later.


Timo Kankaanpää

Principal Lecturer

School of Technology | Information Technology | +358 40 767 7080


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