Navigating Finnish Work-life: How to build your identity for Finnish job market

Description Teachers
Navigating Finnish work life will offer you the tools and the skills needed to sell you values and expertise to companies in Finland!


  • Identify your strength and weakness
  • Identify your values and how to offer it to companies
  • Writing good CV and cover letter
  • How to communicate effectively during an interview

Target group

To you who

  •  want to prepare for changes in working life or increase your own expertise
  •  want to get to know a new field or stand out with your expertise
  •  live to learn – you want to learn new things as a hobby
  • are pursuing a degre

For Students, unemployed, internationals

Learning outcomes

After completion of this course you will be able to:

  • Knowing yourself
  • Identify your strength and weakness
  • Understand the Finnish work life – does and don’t
  • Identify your values and how to offer it to companies
  • Writing good CV and Cover letter
  • Communicate effectively during an interview


  • It is possible but who are you?
  • Gratitude and You
  • Concept of Change
  • Understanding Finland and Finns
  • Finnish Economy and Welfare
  • Finnish Work life
  • CV – Dos and Don’t
  • Cover Letter – The science behind it
  • Communication – How to excel in an interview

Mode of Teaching and Methods

Hybrid: Contact teaching and possibility to attend via Zoom.

Study Material

Will be provided by the teacher in Moodle.

  • Books
  • Presentations
  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Quizzes
  • Journals and Essays


Evaluation: Approved/Fail. Hence, class attendance and active participation is very important.

Schedule and Location

Lessons will be held on June in online.

  • 4.6.2024 14.30-16.15 Introduction to navigating finnish work-life: What are the challenges? How to overcome the challenge: TEA
  • 11.6.2024 14.30.-16.15 Finnish work-life, culture and society: Understanding finnish culture & work-life, Social networking; finding you Finn, what kind of workers needed in Finland
  • 18.6.2024 14.30-16.15 Writing CV; Tips and Tricks, How, Why, Values
  • 24.6.2024 14.30-16.15 Cover Letter; How, Why, Values
  • 25.6.2024 14.00- One-on-one discussion & feedback – CV & Cover letter

You can to attend online via Zoom.

More information about the course

Francis Oyeyiola

Talent Coach

Teaching and learning services / Student services / +358 50 4498 027


If you have any questions regarding student IDs, payments, or cancellation policies, please contact us.


We reserve the right to make changes.

Francis Oyeyiola

Talent Coach

Teaching and Learning Services | Student Services

+358 207 663 608

Navigating Finnish Work-life: How to build your identity for Finnish job market


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