Our alumni story - Project Management
Daniel Lartey
"I wanted to learn Project Management to get into more challenging job positions."
Project management helps in delivering good quality work
The studies helped Daniel in his career and after graduation he got a promotion to scrum master thanks to the experience in project management.
“I wanted to learn Project Management to get into more challenging job positions. All the work that I do is project based, so knowing about project management is a key in delivering good work.”
Daniel is originally from Ghana, and he moved to Finland to study automation engineering in 2008. After graduation he worked for 6 years as engineer and machine operator in a beverage can manufacturing company while doing Master’s degree in energy technology in Lappeenranta University of Technology. After having finished his Master’s in 2016, he started looking for a more challenging job. However, all the positions required experience in Project Management, so Daniel started searching a place where he could continue his studies. Daniel found that VAMK is doing a Master’s programme in Project Management and decided to apply. He was lucky to get in but the commute from Hämeenlinna, where Daniel worked at the moment, would have been too much. That is why he decided to move to Vaasa and look for a job there as well.
“I was lucky to get a position as engineer in Wärtsilä’s R&D department even though it was very demanding to start a new job and studies the same week”, says Daniel.
Positive mindset and ability to challenge yourself
Daniel found the studies very insightful and has been able to put the skills, he learned during the studies, in use at everyday work. Handling studies and work required hard work but Daniel believes that if you want something you need to challenge yourself and have a positive mindset.
“Studying requires work and dedication, but I knew where I was getting into, since I already had experience from studying and working at the same time” Daniel laughs.
Overall, the programme was good, and Daniel feels he learned a lot. It was easy to combine studies with work and Daniel was for example able to do the thesis work to his department.
“All the work that I do is project based, so knowing about project management is a key in delivering good work.”
A promotion thanks to the skills learnt during studies
The studies helped Daniel in his career and after graduation he got a promotion to scrum master thanks to the experience in project management.
“I learnt a lot in project management, and I feel I’m always ahead when we do something at work. The competence I gained is useful and I can also use it to help my colleagues achieve the goals”, says Daniel.
A tip for those considering studying: Go for it!
Even though studying and working at the same time requires dedication and effort, it can also be beneficial; you can use what you already know in your studies and apply what you learn right away at work.
“I know you learn by doing but acquiring knowledge makes you learn faster on the job. Even if you think you know all the processes, it is always good to combine theory with practice, I encourage everyone who wants to enhance their skills”, Daniel concludes.