Career story – Senior Lecturer in Energy Technology

Shekhar Satpute

“At VAMK I can explore and research more freely but can also utilise and share experiences from my earlier career”

Previously Senior Lecturer Shekhar Satpute worked in engineering consultancy industry and had a regular 9 to 5 work. Satpute was looking for a more creative and dynamic work environment and that is why he chose to start teaching future engineering experts at VAMK. 

Shekhar Satpute, Senior Lecturer in Energy Technology, has worked at VAMK since January 2022. His previous design work was more routine and involved specific and time-bound goals within a structured industry. As Satpute wanted to work in a more creative and explorative work environment, he made the decision to become a teacher in a University of Applied Sciences.

“At VAMK I can explore and research more freely but can also utilise and share experiences from my earlier career.”

Being an alumnus of VAMK, Satpute appreciates the familiar environment. He particularly values the collaborative culture at VAMK.

“It feels comfortable being back here at my home university as a professional, after having gained experience elsewhere”, Satpute reflects.

Working towards a common goal with the students

Satpute is a people person who loves working in a team toward common goals. That is why he enjoys the daily interactions with students.

“Together with students we become a team that shares the common goal to get the most out of the task, course or project we are working together on”, Satpute remarks.

Being an integral part of students’ success stories is a fulfilling pursuit according to him and it embodies every teacher’s aspiration.

“When I see my students reach their goals, however large or small they may be, it makes me feel satisfied to know that they are one more experience richer than earlier”, Satpute states.

Fostering interactive and collaborative learning environments

In his daily teaching, Satpute uses various proven and tested teaching methods, such as Problem-Based and Task-Based learning, he got familiar with as a part of his professional teacher training.

“I like to use rather interactive teaching methods and let the students be a part of the teaching, not just sit back and listen. In my classes, we also do a lot of classroom group work activities and problem-solving. I also encourage students to do somewhat self-paced sections which promote autonomy”, Satpute shares.

The story was published in May 2024.