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Project information:

Official name of the project: UUDO - Erikoistumiskoulutus 30 op. EQF6-tasolla, Uusille Urapoluille Digisoteosaamisella UUDO-hankkeessa (UUDO - Specialization training 30 credits. at EQF6 level, for New Career Paths with Digital Health Care expertise in the UUDO project)

Duration of the project: 1.1.2021 - 30.9.2023

Project coordinator: Laurea

Project partners: HAMK, VAMK, Metropolia, Savonia, LAB, SAMK, DIAK, TAMK, OAMK, SeAMK, TurkuAMK, Novia, Lapin AMK

Funding: Ministry of Education and Culture

Budget: 1 597 037 €

Project code: OKM/316/522/2020

RDI platform: Smart Well-Being

Project description

The project produces nationally usable specialization training in the field of health care. In multidisciplinary expertise in the development of digitalization in the health care sector, the UUDO project is aimed at professionals who need skills in using and developing digital services in health care, including

  • Working professionals with health care education, such as nurses, social workers and physiotherapists
  • Those working in health care, professionals from other fields, such as digitalization, design and IT, as well as business professionals
  • Employees at risk of unemployment
  • People considering changing the field they are currently working in
  • Unemployed jobseekers with education in health care and other occupational groups in the field of health care


The main goal of the UUDO project is to respond to the changes brought by digitalization by strengthening the sotedigi skills of health care professionals. The strengthening of sotedigi skills expands the career opportunities of those currently in the working life and gives the opportunity for unemployed professionals to get back into the working life. UUDOs’ training increases the interest of the health care sector among both those already working in the field and those interested in the field, and there for reduces the labor shortage in the health care sector.


As a result of the project, a specialization training is created, and the duration of the training is one year. The education is conducted in Finnish. The training is implemented as a multi-format education, and it is worth of 30 credits. The training consists of four areas:

  • Healthcare electronic services and information management, 10 credits
  • Service design, 5 credits
  • Optional courses, 5 credits
  • Development assignment, 10 credits

Those who have completed the specialization training are able to work in demanding expert positions in planning and development tasks of multidisciplinary health services.

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