Project information:
Official name of the project: 5G HUB Vaasa -investointihanke (5G HUB Vaasa -investment project)
Duration of the project: 1.8.2021 - 30.6.2023
Project coordinator: VAMK
Project partners: University of Vaasa, Novia
Funding: European Regional Development Fund
Budget: 40 000 €
Project description
The investment funding will partially finance the 5G test laboratory to be established in the premises of the Technobothnia research laboratory. The coverage of 5G networks is still low, and the construction of networks is heavily regulated, which can make it difficult for SMEs to independently develop solutions based on 5G technology. The 5G laboratory, which supports companies in the region, solves this problem by offering good opportunities to test and develop products and solutions based on 5G technology.
The goal is to establish a 5G test laboratory in the premises of Technobothnia’s research laboratory. The test laboratory enables companies in the region to enter with a low threshold to both develop and test new technology products and solutions. The laboratory operates during the project, and it will remain in operation after the project as well.
As a result of the project, a functional 5G laboratory will be established with up-to-date technology for product development and testing. Setting up a laboratory involves two steps:
- Acquisition, installation, configuration, testing and learning how to use the necessary hardware. The work package also includes obtaining a 5G frequency licens
- Evaluation, selection, installation and learning how to use 5G simulation software
Based on real use cases and needs, the laboratory produces results for industrial use. The 5G Lab will be established in the premises of Technobothnia.