Start Logically

Pohjanmaan liittoCo funded by eu

Project information:

Official name of the project: Start Logically

Duration of the project: 5.9.2023 - 31.12.2023

Project coordinator: VAMK

Project partners: University of Vaasa, Novia

Funding: ERDF investment project

Budget: 25 375 €

Project code: A80482

RDI Platform: Smart Industry

Language: Finnish

Project description

A whole new battery cluster is growing in Vaasa, led by GigaVaasa. To get battery technology education off the ground, we need to make a consistent start. Vaasa lacks virtually all of the cell-level battery learning environment, battery research and battery development infrastructure. Theoretical battery education has already started, although the facilities for practical battery technology education are lacking. The FREESI laboratory, managed by the University of Vaasa and VEBIC, has a very small-scale and limited battery testing laboratory (so-called battery cycler and weather cabinet) and is mainly intended for research and not teaching purposes. The aim of the project is to create a high quality and up-to-date laboratory cell designed for battery cell testing to serve the needs of the Technobothnia region, both as a learning environment and for shared use as a testing platform for companies. Basic electrical measurements of battery technology can be carried out with a battery cycler and potentiostat using a weather cabinet. Together, they allow for meaningful laboratory work and practical teaching.

VAMK will be the main contractor of the project, responsible for the coordination of the whole project and for the design, tendering, ordering and installation of the laboratory cell for battery cell testing together with the project partners. VAMK will cover the costs of the battery cycler procurement through its self-financing contribution in accordance with the agreement between the project partner network.


The aim of the project is to create a high-quality and up-to-date laboratory cell designed for battery cell testing, serving the needs of the Technobothnia region and the emerging battery cluster, which can be used both as a learning environment and as a shared testing platform for companies. The aim is to create a practical demonstration environment to complement theoretical studies.


As a result of the project, Technobothnia will have a high-quality and up-to-date laboratory cell for electrical testing of battery cells, which will serve as a learning, research and demonstration environment for joint use with universities, companies in the region and the growing battery cluster. The uptake of the equipment for teaching and shared use can be quantified. Qualitatively, the outcome of the project, the battery laboratory cell, can be measured by soliciting feedback from users of the equipment.

The project will enable high quality, practice-oriented training in battery technology at universities in Vaasa, further deepen their cooperation and prepare the Vaasa region for the emergence of a battery cluster in the region. The long-term impact will also be that the skills of the graduating students will be more in line with the requirements of the working world, as battery technology is strongly linked to, for example, smart and distributed energy systems, skills which are already needed in the region. The utilisation rate of the laboratory cell can be quantified.

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