Free-choice Studies

The purpose of the free-choice studies is to expand and deepen students’ professional knowledge. These studies can be selected from an array provided by Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu (VAMK), University of Applied Sciences, or from the studies provided by other universities. Before enrolment, check that you do not choose courses overlapping with your previously completed courses.

Enrolment takes place through the Peppi system, unless otherwise indicated.

Enrollments for free choice studies arranged by VAMK
In the enrolment the students, who have the highest number of credit points, have priority. Exception: Free choice studies directed to students in specific degree program.

If the course is missing from your PSP:

  • Log in to Pakki – Student’s desktop and open your PSP
  • Choose Enrollments from the toolbar
  • Click +Search for courses
  • Use the course code or the name of the course to search and click Enroll
  • You can cancel the enrolment in the Enrollments tab during the enrollment period

If the course already exists in your PSP, just enroll in the Enrollments tab.

Your enrolment will be confirmed when you sign up for the study unit at the beginning of the first lecture. If you are absent (and have not informed the teacher), your place will be given to a student in the queue. If you decide not to take part in a course you have enrolled for, please, inform the teacher about your cancellation.

For more information contact:

  • School of Technology, Study Counsellor Henrik Niemelä,
  • School of Health Care and Social Services, Study Counsellor Ritva Alaniemi,
  • School of Business, Study Counsellor Peter Smeds,