Language Studies

The objective of the language studies at university of applied sciences is to provide the student with language and communication skills needed to perform various professional tasks. The objective is also that the student comprehends the importance of language and communication skills in working life. The scope of mandatory studies varies from 11 to 20 credits, depending on your degree programme. Mandatory language studies include Finnish and English studies.

Credit transfer

A credit transfer is granted for language studies completed in the same professional field at another higher education institution. If the student has completed language studies of the same scope and level in a different professional field (not a different field of study), the student has to complement the language studies so that the requirements of field-spesific language skills are met. Application for Credit Transfer can be found on student desktop (eRPL service).

Language studies for exchange students

Survival Finnish (2 ECTS) course is arranged for the incoming exchange students every autumn and spring semester.

Finnish Language Learning Path:  Suunnittele suomen kielen opintosi!

We want to encourage our international degree students to study Finnish. We assist you with the planning of your own Finnish language learning path and support you in reaching your goals.

Your group mentor, the study counsellor and your Finnish as a second language -teacher are there to help you.

Who can you contact:

Knowing Finnish is useful when you live, work or study in Finland. You have  more opportunities to integrate into Finnish culture and society, and more employment opportunities. Knowing Finnish also helps in making friends and building a social network.

It is possible to have a VAMK-scholarship  if you demonstrate progress in Finnish language skills.

Your Finnish language learning path:

  1. Plan your studies

  1. Enroll for the courses

  • VAMK-courses and cross-institutional courses ( SeAMK and Centria): VAMK degree students enroll via student interface ( PAKKI )
  • Other Finnish courses: Check the website of the course provider
  1. Learn/ Study Finnish

  1. Test your skills/ Assessing the Finnish language skills

Try out YKI-tests/ Prepare for the test