
Why do we need a communication strategy?

The communication strategy supports the achievement of the VAMK’s overall strategic goals: the same values, target groups, vision, mission, and business objectives. The organisation’s challenges, risks, and operating environment have been openly identified and assessed.

Based on these, strategic choices can be made in communication; what things, services, or products do we absolutely want to bring to the attention of our target audiences, what kind of message, language, and channels do we use. Whose voice do we use for interaction? Do we utilise external influencers?

The communication strategy defines the entirety of communication. It outlines the organisation’s current state, resources, and target state for the next 3-5 years. The annual communication plan, objectives, and budget are separate.

The mission of communication

The mission of communication at Vaasa University of Applied Sciences is to support the university’s strategic goals by enhancing its reputation, recognition, and attractiveness.

We build and maintain a positive image of VAMK as a promoter of the well-being economy, an international institution, and one that is oriented towards working life.

The role of communication

  • We support the success of students, staff, and partners by providing up-to-date, reliable, and engaging information.
  • Our communication aims to promote transparency, community, and interaction with all our stakeholders.
  • Every member of the organisation is an ambassador for our brand. The communication unit acts as a communication coach for management and experts.

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Strategic priorities and goals in communication

1. Continuous visibility in marketing

  • Offer flexible learning opportunities for different target groups and life situations, emphasizing lifelong learning.

2. Brand visibility and appeal 

  • Enhance the visibility and attractiveness of VAMK’s brand both nationally and internationally.
  • Showcase Vaasa and VAMK as an appealing study destination.
  • Define clear target countries and partners in international student recruitment, utilising data-driven analyses and ethical guidelines among other tools.

3. Highlighting key competencies

  • Emphasise expertise in the wellbeing economy, focusing on energy transition, smart digitalisation, green transition, international business and logistics, solutions for wellbeing transformation as well as design thinking and ecosystem design.
  • Highlight communication on sustainability and responsibility.

4. Student and alumni stories

  • Focus on storytelling in content creation, showcasing success stories of students and alumni.

5. Internal communications

  • To promote interactive and participatory communication within the work community.

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Key messages

Your main partner in expertise

VAMK’s education and research, development, and innovation activities build expertise to find solutions to societal challenges, advancing towards a wellbeing economy.

At VAMK, the expertise in technology, business economics, social and health care, and design converge. We create added value through the synergy of various fields and international collaboration.

Communication values







Measuring Communication

The effectiveness of communication and its outcomes are regularly assessed and reported: Monthly, quarterly, and annual measurements are conducted to evaluate how and where key messages have been received, the tone of media coverage and social media visibility, and the extent to which visibility drives traffic to the organisation’s website.

Actions are measured at three different levels:

  1. Paid media visibility
  2. In-house media and communication
  3. Earned media attention

Actions are developed based on results aiming for anticipation.

Various tools are used for monitoring and measurement, such as media monitoring, website analytics, social media analysis tools, and content analysis focused on specific themes. Monitoring tools are continuously being developed and improved.

Communication goals

We attract both national and international talent to the Vaasa region as a friendly and dynamic entity.

We are a sought-after partner, known as an active player and a bold trendsetter. We listen to our stakeholders and foster societal wellbeing, dialogue, and interaction.


Ethics, Sustainable Development, and Responsibility in Communication

VAMK’s ethical guidelines serve as a practical tool in our daily interactions, guiding us through diverse situations.

They communicate our standards to partners and students—this is how we operate. At the same time, they define what we do not condone by articulating our desired collective behavior.

  • We foster a community with a positive, supportive, and inspiring culture.
  • We encourage and provide constructive feedback to one another.
  • We cultivate an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect.
  • We commit to adhering to agreed-upon principles.
  • We create opportunities and encourage encounters and open dialogue.
  • We take personal responsibility for high-quality and active communication and interaction.

Explore our ethical guidelines.

Open and Transparent Action and Communication

We communicate regularly about themes from our sustainable development and responsibility program both internally and externally through social media, news, and press releases.

Sustainable development and responsibility are integral aspects of our communication strategy. We openly and comprehensibly share our actions and outcomes, contributing broadly to societal development and engagement.

Responsibility and Sustainable Development at VAMK